Wooho, nå har jeg fått visitt kortene mine.
Har også fått innkalling til informasjons møte i oslo 4 juni, der skal vi få vite all informasjonen.
Haha, slik ser det ut:

Her er reglene om hva vi ikke får gå med på skolen
1. Shoes must be worn at all times. Shoes with cleats, spikes, or wheels are not allowed.
2. Clothing, jewelry and personal items shall be free of writing, pictures, or any other Insignia, which are crude, vulgar, profane, or sexually suggestive; which bear drug, alcohol, or tobacco company advertising, promotions or likenesses; which promote gang affiliation or activity; or which advocate racial, ethnic, religious, or sexual orientation prejudice.
3. Clothes shall be worn as intended and be sufficient to conceal undergarments which shall be worn and covered at all times. See-through or fishnet fabrics, halter-tops, tube tops, off-the-shoulder; spaghetti straps or low-cut tops are not acceptable. Garments that expose bare midriffs or cleavage are prohibited. Basketball jersey style tank tops with scooped front, back and armholes are allowed if worn with a t-shirt with sleeves.
4. Attire or accessories, which may be used as a weapon, are not allowed. This includes, but is not limited to, wallet chains and items with spikes or studs.
5. Sunglasses shall not be worn in school building unless there is a letter on file from a doctor.
6. Coaches, teachers and administrators may impose more stringent dress requirements to accommodate the special needs of certain sports, classes ceremonies, or activities.
7. Students are allowed to wear "sun-protective headgear", which constitutes a full brim hat, with no logo or lettering which is of a solid color and is made of either canvas or cotton cloth. The hat is to be worn as intended to provide sun protection and is only to be worn outdoors.